
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Stomach pain relief : acidity,constipation, pain ,sounds and treatment

  STOMACH Drops/पेट दर्द के लिए उपचार

Medicine for gastric, acidity and stomach pain and swelling
Stomach pain relief


I have a gastric acid problem in my stomach. 

If you have gastric acid problem in your stomach.than you must be prepared for your stomach that your stomach is not working properly. than you should used R5 by Dr.Reckweg's  . 
Dosage : 10 drops with half cup of water 2 times a day. For at least one month to get good result.Buy from here..

During the medicine period do not use raw onion,tomato ,vinegar,wine,alcoho and tobacco.

You must know that the constipation problem  is related to stomach drop.

Yes it is related to stomach because if your stomac have gastric  issues than you might be suffer from constipation .In our word if feeling difficulty during removing your tools. This is also related to stomach drop.
Use R5 by Dr.Reckweg's
Dosage : 8drops in half cup of water 2times a day.  At least for one month. See if you feel good than stop the medicine. You can use whenever you feel trouble.Buy from here..

Please avoid raw onion,sour vegetables and other sour products than do not use tobacco and alcohol during the medicine periods.

Does any other method to cure stomach from all these kind of issues.

well you can follow KAPALABHATI pranayam every day for 15 minutes in the morning in empty stomach .

This will cure you're most of the stomach drop problems but slowly slowly. 

I have digestion problem what I need to do.

Well it is common  in today's world because of junk food , fried food, and even no exercise to make our body fit and fine . 
first of all do yoga this will give boost mentally . that you can think properly. That what are the problems are coming from your stomach.
If you really have digestion problem than start having R5 by Dr.Reckweg's liquid solution .
Dosage : 15 drops with some water , 2times in a day for At least 15 days .

Do not use raw tomato , vinegar,raw onion, curd  means word do not use sour food for eating . Do Not Use tobacco and alcohol during medicine.

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