
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Inflammation:symptoms and treatment


What is inflammation?

In terms of inflammation means somewhere your body get infectinfected, Swollen and harmful attacks of germs.well inflammation is related small health problems.most if the time we found in joints and skin.

Does medicine is important inflammation ?

As far as docoto recommendation .if the infection become dangerous than some solution or tablets or medicine  is to considering for inflammation. 

Do we used any following diets .

No it is not compulsory because there is less chances for serious causes in that means the doctors called inflammation. 

Heat  and Pain is one of the common issues for inflammation. 

An easy word to say that it is kind allergic problems. But is not related to infection because  inflammation is an serious issues. 

How can this inflammation problem can be solved  ?

Well we can suggest an medicine that will help you in inflammation issues.
 I found one of the famous medicine that is R1 from Dr.Reckweg

1.During high fever with infection you should start with 10drops with half cup if water 3 times a day.

2.During chronic inflammation take same ratio for 2 a day .

3.Inflammation  of tonsils you can follow the our 1st method.

          Components in R1Buy from here..

1.Apis mellificia - swelling treatment 

2.Barium Chloratium -chronic diseases and supperation of gland in different  scrofulous affection of childre.

3.Belladonna-inflammatory  hypermia of skin,of mocous membranes and glands.high fever.aridity of the mucosa, delirium ,moist feverish skin.

4.Calcium jodatum- chronic tonsillitis of children ,scrofulous increase of lymph nodes on neck and nape. 

5.Hepar sulfuris :tendency of cathartic inflammation and pyesis. 

6.Kalium bichromicum: Plastic exudation of mucous membranes in nose,pharyngeal cavity and pharynx.viscous,stringy mucus.Mucosae ulcer.

7.Marin verum- Adenoid vegetation,chronic catarrh of the postnatal space.

8.Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus: acute inflammation  of mucosa involving the glands,sticky perspiration.

7.Phytolacca: swelling and dark redeeming of the pharynx and tonsils,radiation  pain up to the ears.

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